An event sampling observation for a 4-year-old child in an early years setting.

An event sampling observation for a 4-year-old child in an early years setting. Event sampling involves documenting specific behaviors or events as they occur:

Child's Name: [Child's Name]

Date of Observation: [Date]

Observation Context: This event sampling was conducted during a group storytelling session in the preschool classroom.

Event Sampling:

Event 1: Expressing Interest in the Story

[Child's Name] sits on the classroom rug with the other children, eagerly awaiting the start of the story.

[He/She] gazes at the teacher with anticipation and a wide smile.

[Child's Name] raises [his/her] hand and exclaims, "I want to hear a story!"

Event 2: Active Participation

As the story begins, [Child's Name] listens attentively, occasionally nodding in response to the teacher's questions.

[He/She] points to the pictures in the storybook, identifying familiar objects and characters.

[Child's Name] claps [his/her] hands in delight when a funny part of the story is read aloud.

Event 3: Interaction with Peers

During the story, [Child's Name] leans over to [Peer's Name] and whispers something in [his/her] ear, sharing an observation about the story.

[Peer's Name] smiles and nods in agreement, indicating that they are engaged in a conversation related to the story.

Event 4: Demonstrating Comprehension

At the end of the story, the teacher asks a few questions to gauge comprehension.

[Child's Name] eagerly raises [his/her] hand and answers questions correctly, showing an understanding of the plot and characters.

[He/She] contributes to the discussion by sharing [his/her] favorite part of the story.

Event 5: Expressing Creativity

Following the story, [Child's Name] is invited to draw a picture related to the story.

[He/She] selects bright colors and enthusiastically begins to draw a scene from the story, showcasing imagination and creativity.

Analysis and Reflection:

During the event sampling, [Child's Name] displayed active engagement, participation, and comprehension during the storytelling session. [He/She] also exhibited positive social interactions with peers and demonstrated creativity during the post-story activity. These observations indicate [Child's Name]'s enthusiasm for learning and storytelling.

Teacher's Signature: _______________________

Event sampling allows educators to focus on specific behaviors or moments of interest during an activity, providing insights into a child's engagement, interaction, and comprehension within an early years setting.