Outdoor play in early years

Child aged four playing in an outdoor space with peddles and mud (https://openai.com/dall-e-2/)

Creative outdoor play in early years

Outdoor play is a crucial part of early childhood development. It is important for children to have access to unstructured outdoor play for physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Outdoor play helps children develop gross motor skills, problem-solving skills, and creativity. It also provides opportunities for children to learn new things, explore the natural environment, and develop social skills through interaction with their peers. Outdoor play also helps to support physical health, as it encourages physical activity and provides a chance to spend time in the sun and fresh air. 

To encourage creative outdoor play, teachers and parents should encourage children to use their imaginations and explore their environment. This can be done by setting up outdoor play structures, such as sandboxes and play houses, that allow children to experiment with different materials and activities. Outdoor toys, such as balls, bubbles, and chalk, can also be used to help children engage in creative play. Additionally, natural elements, such as leaves, rocks, and sticks, can be used to create art projects or play games. Providing children with the opportunity to explore and experiment in the outdoors will help them develop a sense of creativity and imagination. (AI generated).

Great site for ideas: https://muddyfaces.co.uk/activities