2nd year Facilitation: Mask making

Name of activity: mask making 
Aim of activity: making a mask Objective: using a wide variety of materials for mask making.
Suitable for all ages Group or individual: both
Materials used: p.v.a glue, paint brushes, scissors, lace, material, paper towels, newspaper, rubber mask moulds, cooking oil, glitter, pipe cleaners, feathers, and any other materials for decorating,

Step1: Using the paper towels apply a small layer of cooking oil unto the inside of the mask mould. This is so that when mask is dry it will be easier to remove the mask from the mould.

Step 2: out of small pieces of lace or paper using scissors or ripped paper by hand. Apply glue to paper or lace using the paint brush and place the piece on the inside of the oiled mask mould. Continue this until the full inside of the mould is covered with paper or lace. Continue with second or third layer. To make the mask stronger you can apply more layers and overlap the pieces for extra strength.

Step 3: leave mask to dry over night or use hairdryer for quicker drying. Make sure it is fully dried before removing mask from the mould. Step 4: you can now decorate the mask with materials of choice.