Clay molding with plaster of Paris

 Clay Molding with Plaster of Paris
Keys in plaster

Aim: To use clay and plaster of Paris bandage to make a mold of objects 
Materials: Clay and roll of plaster of Paris bandage 
  1. Roll out the clay 
  2. Imprint an object or a hand firmly into the clay.
  3. Cut off strips of bandage and soak in water until soft.
  4. Put the Bandage on the imprint and press into the crevices 
  5. Allow to dry over night
  6. When firm peel away clay to reveal the mold.
  7. clean the mold with water and a sponge.
  8. Paint mold with desired colours

Gold Painted hand impression in plaster

Butter fly imprint 
Hand inprint
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Circles imprinted in the clay
Hand Imprint in clay with plaster of  Paris over it 

Terracotta clay
Plaster of Paris bandage