Introduction meeting with group with disabilities

Introduction meeting with Group with Disabilities 

  • To get to know the participants - students and service users
  • To try different activities so as to assess abilities and interests 
  1. Meet and greet
  2. Name tags with stickers
  3. Students introducing themselves to service users in one to ones
  4. Page in the centre on which the name of the service user's name was added with details of their interests 
  5. Model magic foam given to all to experiment with; white, yellow red and blue.
  6. Marbling inks were use to create instant results 
  7. Remote control car painting used to engage the service users in a different approach to painting
  8. Goodbye and when we will see them again
The different activities gave everyone an insight into the abilities of the participants; general dexterity, fine and gross motor skills, cognitive skills, colour recognition, texture agreeably and rejection, cause and effect response, symbolism constructs, tolerance for mess, engagement with process and product, group-work dynamics, patience displays, attention seeking, concentration and developing areas of interest. 




Printing using a remote car

Painting with the car

Painting with the car