The Project Approach

The Project Approach

Points to remember:
  • Children are interested in their world - help them discover!
  • Be enthusiastic and motivated and the children will be too
  • Encourage a questioning dialogue- you may not know the answer but you can find out together!
  • Support questions with refection- What do think might be the answer? What do you think?
  • Construct the child's knowledge in collaboration
  • Carefully observe children so you can plan their learning opportunities
  • Listen carefully to what children say and to how you respond
  • Support children curiosity - Use the child's imagination and creativity so they enjoy the process of learning.
  • Find a balance between 'instruction and educator-led', and 'facilitation and child-led'
  • Remember as an EC educator you have a marvelous opportunity to facilitate and support children's learning 
  1. Questions; who, what, when where and why and I wondering if...
  2. Investigation; How will the subject be investigated? and to learn about the subject.
  3. Culmination and conclusion; make meaning, share results and representations, and communicate.

 Central Idea: The Weather


Activity: Clothing for different types of weather.
We chose this because it teaches children the appropriate clothing for each season while learning independently.
The idea was to cut out a figure and to have cut outs of different types of clothing.

Central Idea: Chicken

Activity: outdoor activity, an Easter Egg Hunt.

Central Idea: Tree

Activity: hand print activity. The idea was for a child to recognize individuality of hand prints and the concept of the family tree.

Central Idea: Flowers