Creativity forum Article - main points HC

Class Review of Article:

Runco, M. A. (2004). "CREATIVITY." Annual Review of Psychology55(1): 657-687.

 'Key Words:  

Divergent thinking, Ideation, originality, flexibility, domains of

performance, implicit theories, problem finding


Creativity has clear benefits for individuals and society as a whole.Not surprisingly, a great deal of research has focused on creativity, especially in the past 20 years. This chapter reviews the creativity research, first looking to the relevant traits, capacities, influences, and products, and then within disciplinary perspectives on creativity (e.g., biological, cognitive, developmental, organizational). Great headway is being made in creativity research, but more dialogue between perspectives is suggested. New and important areas of research are highlighted, and the various costs and benefits
of creativity are discussed.' (Runco, 2004;657)

complexity? discuss

cultural evolution? explain and discuss

'All of this implies that creativity is more important now than ever before. This
is because creativity is a useful and effective response to evolutionary changes.' (Runco, 2004;657) Explain why the author this this is so?

problem-solving & flexibility?

Read the Article and apply a theme to each paragraph

Group 1; main points
  • Technology has helped both improve stress levels for us and also complicated our lives in such a way that we have to learn how to operate devices that were supposed to make life easier e.g. instead of digging a huge hole with a shovel/spade, we now have diggers, JCB's etc.....but we still have to read the introductions in order to learn how to operate. 
  • Adults tend to rely on routines and unless intentionally creative, become inflexible. Its healthy to learn how to use new technology and to be creative. Creativity plays an important role in technological advance. Creativity is related to intelligence (Barron and Harrington)
  • social perspectives
  • behavioral perspective... it is not easy to apply the behavioral perspective to creativity. this is because creativity does not lend itself easily to overt behaviors. 
  • the biology of creativity.... does not pinpoint creativity but instead involves related behaviors and aptitudes
Group 2: main points
Group 3: main points
  • culture revolution : technology, phones, laptops etc.
  • development of original ideas, that are influential.
  • creativity underlies problem solving and problem finding.
  • relations between creativity and intelligence.
Group 4: main points
  • technology has influenced our lives and we must learn new skills in order to keep up.
  • creativity is quiet diverse and it can be arranged in many ways.
  • creativity is essential for cultural evolution.
  • the middle children are the most rebellious and therefore potentially creative.
Group 5: main points
  • Evolution has accelerated; it no longer takes hundreds of years for humans to evolve as a species. This is due to the advances in technology.
  • It is because of these advances that we now have to evolve at a much faster rate in order to keep up.
  • Creativity plays an important role in advances in technology.
  • Creativity is a necessary tool in relation to our ability to cope with changes in evolution.
  • The most obvious use for Creativity is as a problem solving tool.
  • Flexibility is an important part of Creativity.
  • The flexibility of creative people is what gives them the necessary skills to cope with these advances and changes in their everyday lives.
  • Creativity must be encouraged in order to prepare for the future.
Group 6
  • The world is more complex
  • technology has touched everything
  • creativity is a useful and effective response to evolutionary changes
  • must develop new skills to operate new technology e.g tele
  • changes are reflecting on cultural and biological evolution
  • future relies on the creativity of children and students
  • creativity can be flexible there are no limits
  • creativity benefits our society and culture and technology advance
Group 7
Group 8
  • everyone has a creative side to their personality but yet everyone personality has its different traits
  • technology is slowing down creativity to a certain extent e.g building and making games outdoors, today its all on touch screens and computers
  • creativity is a natural process that we lose as we get older as a result of technology
  • creativity is a vital part of life especially in todays society