Groupwork Using Parts of the Body Outlines and Collage

 Body Parts Group Image

This is a Group Project that lasts 1 hour.

The group members are asked to use parts of the body and magazines images and words to make a collective image.

The group must decide their 'theme' and negotiate the rules for the completion of the work. Insights are gained through the group member's interaction with others and reflecting in their log. 

Types of behaviour:
Leaders: usually emerge and seek to direct
Watchers: sit it out and watch others, do not get involved 
Engagers: Try to involve everyone by talking and being positive, usually aligned to the leader.
Workers: Beaver away with little interaction and direction 

Purpose of body outline: 

To engage the person in the art activity with their body
To have all members represented in the image
To explore and extend the use of body parts as symbol communications: eg: hands as 'helping hands' 

Purpose of the Magazines

To offer a non threatening  way to engage with image making 
To offer ready made images to express and communicate
To help the group member to see the potential of magazines for art purposes 

Other variations 

Large body outline - create a story based on what is happening on the body 'island'
Body outline in the sand
Body outline with emotions: identify where anger in the body, sadness etc.
Body outline in the forest; using leafs, twigs and sticks
Body outline in the meadow: using a daisy chain, taking grass away, etc.