Challenging Functional Fixedness using Storymaking

Challenging Functional Fixedness Using Story-making 

Aim: To teach the concept of Functional Fixedness using objects and story-making 

Learning Outcomes: to be able..


To  deconstruct meaning in relation to objects
To play in a imaginative way with objects
To see the potential of challenging functional fixedness of objects
To challenge the functional fixedness of objects
To engage in a fun activity
To work as a team
To think creatively
To problem solve
To use the imagination
To use the groups creative ideas
To construct a story using a storyboard
To construct a story with problem/solution and a beginning, middle and end. 
To use a whiteboard as a platform for expression - writing, drawing and use of objects. 

Students are asked to choose an object from a box of play objects. The students are asked what their initial reaction to the object was: named it (Its a horse)and thought about associations to it (Horse running in field). In groups, the students are asked to convince their group members that the object is not what as it seems i.e: The horse is not a horse but a knight in disguise! or a space rocket!

The group are then asked to create a story using the objects. The story-making process can use the objects real meaning or their altered meaning. The story is constructed using the 'storyboard' planning technique. The story can be fanciful and ridiculous. The groups share their stories with the other groups. The whiteboard can be shown to the group as the story is being told.

The benefits include the 'low risk' of involvement, strengthening of student to student contact, student peer learning and negotiating task in a small group.